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GAFM Global Academy of Finance and Management ® Press Release about Certification Accreditation – ACBSP and CHEA

GAFM  Global Academy of Finance and Management ®  Press Release about Certification Accreditation – ACBSP and CHEA

ACBSP Accreditation News – Winter Update 2016 – our GAFM continues its global alliance with Nationally Accredited Business Programs Worldwide.   Thanks and Regards, George

For more than a decade, the GAFM Global Academy of Finance and Management® has been the leading certifying body for business school graduates in the world. Through a 2004 articulation agreement with ACBSP, GAFM certifications such as:  MFP®, CIPM® and CWM® are awarded and conferred to graduates of ACBSP programs in the areas of:  Finance, Accounting, Management, Economics, Tax, Project Management, Risk, and more.

The GAFM® International Board of Standards is the first certification body in the world to offer certification eligibility to students and faculty of double-accredited business schools where ACBSP has been the leader in honoring accredited education and exams as a path to GAFM® board certification and professional designations. While the accredited degree and exam path to certification is more strenuous than what other certifications require, the GAFM and ACBSP are proud to have the highest standards and to have accredited business school education as a direct path to credentialing.

GAFM® is a USA-based NGO/company led by Counselor George Mentz, JD, MBA, CWM®, with offices and chapters in the USA, Europe, Asia, Russia, Africa, Latin America and India. The GAFM® has government recognitions from esteemed international countries such as: China, India, Bahamas, Indonesia, Ghana, Kenya, Saudi Arabia, and Dubai/UAE. ** The GAFM® Board of Standards Certification Body is TUV-OE European Accredited. The GAFM® is ISO 9001 Certified for Quality Assurance, and the GAFM® Certification Body is first  U.S.-credentialing organization to become ISO 29990 Certified for Educational Standards. Further, the GAFM® certifications are sanctioned by the Arab League’s Arab Academy, which enhances credential portability for more than 20 Arab Nations. The GAFM® also works directly with ABA accredited law schools to provide certification and training programs online and globally.

Further, the GAFM is a member of the CHEA Quality Group and is one of the founding organizations to sign the quality assurance Memorandum with the CHEA IA for global skills and educational standards.

The GAFM® top certifications are available to successful graduates of ACBSP programs including the: AFA Accredited Financial Analyst®, AMA Accredited Management Accountant®, AMC Accredited Management Consultant®, MMC Master Management Consultant®, ChE Chartered Economist®, CIPM Certified International Project Manager®, MFP Master Financial Planner®, CRA Certified Risk Analyst®, CTEP Chartered Trust and Estate Planner®, and the world recognized CWM Chartered Wealth Manager ®.

GAFM® Professional Certification
helps applicants:

• Compete for jobs
• Enhance their résumé with relevant credentials
• Achieve promotions and increases in salary
• Complete continuing education requirements
• With immigration and global jobs
• GAFM® certification also provides a way for employers to screen and hire certified employees.

George Mentz, The CEO of the GAFM® stated, “It
is great to continue this 10 year accredited education relationship which raises certification standards globally.”
Go Global Every Day ™ with GAFM® Professional Certifications for your faculty and students! Learn more about the GAFM Board of Standards at www.GAFM.com