Tag Archives: trump

2020 Key State Analysis – How winning CO, MN, NV, and NM could be  much easier in 2020 for President Trump. The Forgotten 25 Electoral Votes.

2020 Key State Analysis – How winning CO, MN, NV, and NM could be  much easier in 2020 for President Trump. The Forgotten 25 Electoral Votes.

By. G Mentz, Esq.

Against the 91% or higher predictions by the New York Times polling experts saying Trump could not win,  Donald Trump won  in a “30-state- landslide” in 2016. However, many overlook that President Trump lost several key states which had “Alt-Former-Republicans” on the ballot and further, Trump would have had much bigger victories in FL, PA, OH had these “former-republicans”  not been on  the state ballots.  As a note, Alt is a word sometimes used as an abbreviation for Alternative or by Hillary Clinton, but the world probably comes from the old European word “ALT” meaning OLD.  So, Alt-Republicans were old-line republicans who were uncertain about Mr. Trumps ability to lead in a moderate to conservative fashion in 2016, but these “2016 Republican/Libertarian Voters” may not have an alternative on the ballot in 2020 or may simply believe that Trump has kept his promises.

Key State Analysis

There are several states that Hillary Clinton won in 2016 where more than 50% of the people voted against her or for other candidates.  In contrast, several key states had Republican/Libertarians on the ballot.  If Trump picks up the Libertarian/Republican votes in 2020, he stands to pick up 7 more states and up to another 54 Electoral Votes.

States Hillary Won without a Majority

  1. Colorado  48.16%  with 9 Electoral Votes
  2. Minn.  46.44% with 10 Electoral Votes
  3. Nev  47.50% with 6 Electoral Votes
  4. NH 46.98% with 4 Electoral Votes
  5. NM 48.26% with 5 Electoral Votes
  6. Oregon 50.07% with 7 Electoral Votes
  7. Virginia 49.73%  with 13 Electoral Votes

This is How Trump Could win The Electoral College Even Easier this time

Florida, Ohio, and Pennsylvania could be tight, but if you remove the alternative-republicans, Trump can pick up another 2-3 percent of the popular vote in these states.  Remember, former-republicans on the ballot,  Johnson and Weld, earned 146,715 votes or 2.38% of Pennsylvania which would have given President Trump a clear and decisive early win of PA.   President Trump would have destroyed Clinton in Ohio had he received the 174,498 Alt-Republican votes received by Gary Johnson & William Weld, but Mr. Trump won Ohio anyway.  Further, if President Trump would have received the Alt-Republican vote in Florida of 207,043 votes or 2.20% for Johnson/Weld, it would have been a much bigger  victory for Trump.

  1. In Colorado, Former moderate-republicans, Gary Johnson and William Weld got a whopping 144,121 votes or 5.17% of the vote in 2016. Hillary Clinton only won by 135 thousand votes and another 70,000 votes went to the Green, Independent and Constitution party candidates.
  2. In Michigan, Gary Johnson and William Weld got a formidable 172,136 votes or 3.59% of the Michigan votes.
  3. In MN Minnesota, the Alt-Republicans (Gary Johnson & William Weld) got 112,972 votes or 3.84% of the vote where Hillary only won by about 45 thousand votes.
  4. In Nevada, again Gary Johnson and Weld pulled 37,384 votes or 3.29%.  where Hillary won by less than 30 thousand votes.
  5. In New Mexico, Gary Johnson and William Weld got a whopping 74,541 votes or 9.3% of the vote. Hillary only won by roughly 65,000 votes.
  6. As for Oregon and Virginia, it would be difficult for Trump to carry Oregon, but Virgina is possible. Interestingly, the former- Republicans Johnson & Weld racked up 118,274 votes in Virginia and Hillary Clinton carried the state with less than 50% of the vote.

As a note, in most states the Green Candidate Jill Stein only received about 1% of the vote in these mentioned states. Thus, the Alt-Republicans siphoned 2 to 3 times more votes away from Trump than the other candidates took from Clinton.  The more I look at these states won by Hillary without a plurality of votes, the clearer it becomes that somebody was funding the Alt-Republicans to help Hillary win as there was no other reason to tamper with the election in this way.

With President Donald Trump proving to constituents that he would lead as a conservative, appoint rock-solid judges, and be strong on Jobs and  the military, he has eliminated the doubt and concern of the former Cruz and Bush republicans along with appeasing the “Alt-Republican” vote.



George Mentz JD MBA CWM   is an award winning author, commissioner, and wealth management law professor. He is a licensed attorney and CEO of GAFM ® global finance and management education, which is an ISO 21001 Certified professional development company operating in over 50 nations. Mentz is a former investment banker and wealth manager for a Wall Street Firm, an award winning author and advisory board member to several companies around the world involved in education, charity, and Fintech.

10 Reasons Trump Economy Is Best in 50 Years

After many years of unemployment and war, the U.S. economy has made a dramatic comeback. The credit can only be given to President Donald Trump’s promised rollback of the tax and regulatory schemes implemented from 1993 until he was elected.

Here are 10 facts since Trump was elected that prove this is the best overall economy in more than 50 years:

  1. Employment: PBS News Hour confirmed that this is the best labor market since 1969 with low unemployment, more jobs and rising wages.
  2. GDP: Trump is the first president to have GDP consistently higher than 3%, President Barack Obama was only the president to fail to achieve one year of 3% GDP growth.
  3. Wages: The Washington Post even surrenders to the fact that Trump is the first president to improve wages in a generation where income is at an all-time high.
  4. Stock Market: CNN says the stock market has roared more than 40% since Trump’s election.
  5. Gas and Fuel Prices: Gas prices are low in most U.S. states that don’t over-tax fuel with local and state taxes. Many states have $2.15 per gallon gasoline right now. Gas prices may fall this summer according to the latest news.
  6. Ethnic Employment Success: The employment success for all ethnicities is at record high. Obama had difficulty creating jobs and many people gave up looking for work.
  7. Manufacturing Jobs: Manufacturing jobs are back in the U.S. for the first time in a generation. Trump created 284,000 manufacturing jobs in 2018. Forbes implied that millions of manufacturing jobs were lost during Obama’s first 2 years in office. Some 1 in 6 were lost between January 2008 and March 2010 and Obama never got those jobs back.
  8. Taxes and Regulatory: Corporate taxes were cut from 35% to 21%. America moved from worst tax system up to one of the most competitive in the world under Trump’s first 2 years in office. Lower tax rates allow U.S. companies to spend more money, buy more assets, pay more employee benefits, buy stock back to put money on Main Street and into state coffers, and even help pay better dividends to seniors who live paycheck to paycheck.
  9. Nasdaq: The Nasdaq stock market value finally exceeded the 1999 prices under Trump. This implies that companies were stagnant for 18 years until Trump took office.
  10. Level the Playing Field: With a mixed bag of tax-code improvements, removal of red tape, new trade agreements, and competitive tariffs, the U.S. economy is more insulated from failure. Even the Federal Reserve is willing to lower rates if other countries harm the U.S. trading environment.

With lower taxes, more jobs, no war, and a strong stock market, the U.S. may be poised to maintain the economic boom started by Trump. After a generation of war and unemployment problems, it is possible that the U.S. can have lasting prosperity if it continues to utilize common-sense economic strategies; however, the youth of our country must pay the $10 trillion of new debt created by Obama.

Because of technology and other efficient systems, inflation is remaining low. What is strange is that the Federal Reserve in this new era seems to unilaterally create artificial inflation rather than slow it down. Thus, we are in a new paradigm of the Trump Era and we are now competing with the other 180+ countries around the world to remain the most business friendly super power.

Can the economy blow up again? The answer is yes if there is a combination of forces of debt, lower productivity, higher taxes, higher interest rates, lower foreign investment, and less spending. The biggest problem is paying unfunded liabilities and the debt created by Obama. Thus, the only way out of this mess is to continue to create jobs, get people off of public assistance by allowing great jobs to be created, create more government revenue through lower taxes on a larger group of new producers, and lower the costs of running government.

George Mentz JD MBA CWM Chartered Wealth Manager ® is a licensed attorney and CEO of GAFM ® global education, which is an ISO 29990 Certified professional development company operating in over 50 nations. Mentz is an award winning author and advisory board member to several companies around the world in education, charities, and FinTech.