Tag Archives: book of the month

Book of the Month – Award Winning Author Speaker George Mentz – My New book for those who like Success & Empowerment Books. Quantum Bliss: The Quantum Mechanics of Happiness, Abundance, and Health by George S. Mentz

Book of the Month – Award Winning Author Speaker George Mentz

My New book for those who like Success & Empowerment Books.

Quantum Bliss: The Quantum Mechanics of Happiness, Abundance, and Health by George S. Mentz  Link: http://amzn.com/1785352032

Quantum Bliss focuses on maximizing your potential and peak performance on a level of mind body and spirit.  Those seeking a SHORT practical guide to metaphysics and philosophy should read this groundbreaking book.  This book is designed for both the scholar and the student.  After working for 10 years to codify the ideas of success and happiness, Mentz realized that the Quantum Mechanics of Bliss lay in the greatest teachings of success and abundance.

If you have read books by: Napoleon Hill – Dyer – Tolle – Byrne or others including Emerson and Thoreau, you will cherish this short VIP refresher of the greatest ideas in self help and empowerment with a spiritual or metaphysical backbone.

Before the Secret was released, Mentz had already released a bestselling book based on the ideas of the great prosperity writers of our time including: Napoleon Hill. Wallace Wattles and Dr. Charles Haanel.   This book is the produce of 15 years of research regarding over 500 of the worlds best-selling success health and financial freedom books.  The objective was to distill a magnum opus that distills the logic of the greats into a quick review and summary.  This book is written for both the beginner and the expert as there are nuggets of truth throughout the book.

May the joy and the abundance of the world be yours and you master your destiny on this journey of growth and development.